
Chinese New Year Eve 2021 With Mayday

Last updated on 26th April 2021, Monday

Today is Chinese New Year Eve and this is something I always look forward to every year.

Counting down to Chinese New Year 2021 with Mayday!


You can watch it live here on my blog or click on the link below to watch on Bin Music’s Youtube:


In Chinese it’s called 五月天陪你守歲.

From what I remembered, 守歲 (shou sui) is a tradition because in ancient times, there is this monster called Nian which wrecks havoc and eats animals and humans at night so people stayed up late together with feasts to prepare and fend it off, protecting everyone in the village.

From young, I remember my parents saying that staying up late on Chinese New Year eve would mean ‘extending the lifespan’ of the elderly in the family, and it has more or less became a habit for me.

In the past, Mayday has always appeared in variety shows during the Lunar New Year period and it was always something that I look forward to watching because it’s always soooo funny and fun.

These few years, they have been recording this just for their fans, in order to celebrate and accompany them on the eve and countdown with them (us), as well as give their blessings for the new year.


Mayday 2018:


Mayday 2019:


Mayday 2020:


The shows starts at 10.30pm live on youtube till 12.30am.

五月天陪你守歲 2021


Happy Chinese New Year in advance! 🍊🍊


Keep safe! 😷

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