It's My Life~

First ever Garfield Run in Singapore~

Last updated on 11th January 2021, Monday



The first ever Garfield Run in Singapore was held on 19th July 2014 and yes, I went! XD

I wanted to wait till I receive the Garfield plush, which was part of the race pack (Garfield run race pack 2014) but was delayed, before blogging about it but… I was way too distracted by other stuff to remember. 


As there were different timings for the different runs, my friend and I thought we didn’t have to go there that early. Even though we were already in that area from noon, we thought there was nothing much to do there anyway. We were not wrong but kinda regretted our decision, which shall be explained later. 



The most important thing to bring to the Garfield run was this: the bib~ 

Even though I was participating in the fun run and there was no timing tied to the bib, I don’t suppose you can take part in the race without it. 


The weather was great that day and I have to say that the venue being at the Promontory @ Marina Bay makes it even prettier for photo taking. That is Marina Bay Sands (MBS) at the back. 


There were already a lot of people when we reached and it was still early for our run so we were looking for things to do but naturally, there were queues everywhere. 

Everyone was taking photos with anything and everything that has Garfield on it.

I had no idea there were so many people who likes Garfield! 

There were also long queues for milo and I didn’t even get to have one because when we went over to queue before our run started, we were told that they were out of milo. It was still so early! = = 

Then, I spotted the milo mascot! It’s cute! 😛

(Looking at the mascot, suddenly I feel like drinking milo~ :p)

There was another honey stars mascot which I didn’t take a photo of. Honey stars was also given out at one of the booths.


I think I would have had more fun if I was a kid. I mean a real kid (being young at heart doesn’t count).

There’s a soccer area set up where they can play at.


There’s also this ship which I called ‘Titanic’ that I would love to jump on but will probably squash the real kids around. 


One of the things I was really looking forward to seeing are the Garfield and Odie mascots but in the end, I didn’t get to see them at all! This is why my friend and I regretted loitering elsewhere and coming late because they came out before we arrived! 

Although they did appear once more later on after the run, because I walked (can’t run since I sprained my foot in Japan~) and we stopped many times on the way to take photos, we ended up missing Garfield and Odie again! 🙁


See how cute they are!

We went ahead to queue for the run but because of the huge crowd, we were stucked. Thought it was quite absurd that it was so crowded that we couldn’t even move, how are we supposed to run?

When we were almost reaching the starting line, there were already people returning after their run. o_O

While in the queue, we had a surprise! Helicopters carrying a huge Singapore flag flew past. That’s because National Day Parade (NDP) rehearsal was held nearby.

Too bad I didn’t manage to take a photo of the fighter planes that flew by in time.


Finally reached the starting point after a very long wait.

Nice scenery on the way. 


After a short walk, we reached 1km


Supertrees at Garden by the bay spotted~

Before we knew it, we were here already. 3km seems really short when timing doesn’t matter.

We saw some fireworks on our way back. (Must rush back in time to catch the fireworks show!)

The flyer~

Such a beautiful sky~~ <3


Got back in time to get our finishers’ medals and catch the fireworks. Fireworks are always beautiful and fascinating. I got a video of it, will post and share if I have time.

The cutest medals I have ever gotten.

We also received a bottle of water and a packet of popcorn after our run (walk). We then went to a booth to collect a popsicle each. I thought it was weird that we got popcorn instead of the usual bananas after marathons but I guess this is not the usual marathon anyway. Which marathon gives away honey stars and ice-cream?

Even though the ice-cream was free, and I love ice-creams, I didn’t really like that popsicle. It was edible but I wouldn’t have another. 


After a few days we received the notice to collect our delayed plush.

Finally, I got my plush! I didn’t really like the illustration on the website so I was hoping it was really for illustration purposes only but, ok it is cuter than the illustration.


As for the Garfield run, I was anticipating the place to be like a carnival, with lots of Garfields and activities around so I guess I was disappointed. Moreover, there were only two standees set up for runners to take photos with and a booth for you to turn your photos into instant photo (instax film). That was it for the events. 

If we can take photos with Garfield the mascot, that would be great. Nevertheless, it was a fun experience especially when we are good at self entertaining. XD


See you next year Garfield~~~




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