It's My Life~

It's My Life

  • Drama Queen~

    Characters deaths… gets to me~

    Spoilers ahead!   Supernatural season 7 episode 10… Bobby died… Sobs… I am soooo sad…….. I hate how characters are killed off or died especially when you have grown to like them or be reliant on them… No matter in dramas, mangas, animes or books… It’s just sad! And it…

  • Movie Buff~

    Gotta watch these!!! Top 10 disturbing movies~ XP

    I was actually looking for some zombies movies to watch before I sleep~ Yeah! I can watch zombies before I zzz~ they have absolutely no effect on me~ gore and blood (in movies) doesn’t affect me~ then I thought… Hey, why not search for movies similar to “The hills have…

  • It's My Life~


    人真的很奇怪~ 沒有看到就會想念,看到了就會更加想念~ 沒曾擁有就會想要,擁有了就會想要更多~ 嘗到了甜頭就會想要整個吃掉~ 吃到酸的還覺得刺激想要挑戰辣的~ 以為可以放下的,卻想再多一次就好~ 想放下的,卻不捨得,反而握得更緊~ 已經放下的,卻又回味曾經的美好~ 人真的很奇怪~

  • ♥~How Do I Live?~♥

    Missing U……………..!!!

    Missing You By: Orianthi Everytime i think of you, i always catch my breath and i’m still standing here, and you’re miles away and i’m wonderin’ why you left and there’s a storm that’s raging through my frozen heart tonight I ain’t missing you at all since you’ve been gone…

  • It's My Life~


    這個好久以前就設定好的帳號早就把她給忘得一乾二淨了~ 一直到剛剛在清除手機裡頭的apps 才看到她~之前設定她其中一個原因就是因為,我慣用的部落格,無法輕易地上傳照片。要寫些甚麼,也沒那麼方便~ 而之後為何荒廢她們,全都是twitter,面書,噗浪和微博惹的禍~ 常常把自己的感想與行蹤即時上傳後,到了想寫部落格的時候,發現沒甚麼能寫了耶~ 日以繼夜地,除非是特別的,否則也就不會更新部落格了~ 剛從歐洲回來的我,正閑著,又不是很想跟人類打交道,所以現在應該就是更新的最佳時刻了~