GPT Referral Codes & Reviews Referral Code USD$5 – Review Singapore

Last updated on 4th December 2023, Monday

Today, I am sharing one of my favourite and legit GPT site called LootUp. You can receive free USD$5 when you sign up with my referral link.

It is a legit Get-Paid-To site where you will get paid to complete surveys, offers, download and play games etc. Before I go into details, if you are looking for a referral code to use for your first sign up, this is mine. Referral Code:

Sign up with my referral link to receive USD$5 for free!



*Update! Limited Time December 2023 LootUp Promo Codes:

– 70% boost on all earnings over the next 24 hours

Code is valid for the first 4000 redemptions and expires on 4/12/2023 at 11:59PM CST


150% boost on all earnings over the next 24 hours

Code is valid for the first 3000 redemptions and expires on 26/11/2023 at 11:59PM CST


– 50 Free Points for first 9,000 redemptions

The code will expire on 30/11/2023 at 11:59 PM CST


– 50 Free Points for first 3,150 redemptions

The code will expire on 11/11/2023 at 11:59 PM CST


– 25 Free Points for first 2,700 redemptions

The code will expire on 05/11/2023 at 11:59 PM CST


*Note: Use this promo code first before opening your daily Loot Chest because you can only apply one multiplier at once, including multipliers activated from the Daily Loot Chest. Once a multiplier is applied, you can see details about the multiplier on the Points History page/tab next to Credit Activity. (I cannot apply this because I have a daily multiplier in effect already. 🙁 )

  • You can only use this code after you have joined as a member. Click on my link to join and then click on the 3 lines (menu bar) on the top left and choose promo code. Enter the special promo code above and it’s done. To see that you are currently having the boost, click on your points on the top right and you can view the multiplier active under your lifetime balance.


Requirements To Get Referral Bonus:

Of course, you will need to fulfil requirements after that, which in my opinion, is really easy. All you have to do to get the free USD$5 is to reach 10000 points in LootUp within a month of joining. 10000 points is actually USD$10.

Once you hit 10000 points, 5000 points (=USD$5) will be credited into your account. I think it was almost immediately because before I realised I had hit 10k, the 5000 free points were already in my account. Then you can cash it out immediately. That’s what I did. 😛

Even if you only do surveys without attempting the other offers, you are able to reach that in a month. 🙂


Is Legit?

Yes, it is legit.

It is not a fake site. Just did a check and I completed the requirement to get the free USD$5 (5000 points) in 5 days. 😀
I joined on the 14th April and and I did my first cash out on the 19th April.

This is what you will see in your account when you receive the free USD$5 after you have achieved 10000 points upon joining

In fact, I did my second cash out yesterday and received it today, which is why I am sharing it now, since I just got my payment.

And this time, I deliberately accumulated it to a higher amount first before cashing out. I had to make sure it was legit before sharing it.

As I have also read from reviews on other GPT sites that the other sites froze some of their accounts after they made one withdrawal, thus I had to make sure LootUp is not the same before I rave about it. XD

I have seen sites showing referral codes for $25 but I tried and nope, I was not given that amount so perhaps that was an old promotion or something. Currently, you can only receive USD$5 upon signing up with a referral code/ link:


LootUp is not the only GPT site I am trying out now but it is most definitely the one I am most impressed with right now.

There are a couple of reasons why.

First of all, who doesn’t like freebies right?

Daily Loot Chest (since August 2023)

– Free Points or Multiplier Bonus every 24 hours

It used to be called Spin The Wheel where you can get prizes ranging from 20 free points to 250 points, the dreaded Try Again and the best will be the 10%, 20% and 50% multiplier bonus.

As of August 2023, it has been changed to Daily Loot Chest where the prizes you receive depends on your level. The irritating thing is, we no longer know what we can receive till we actually get it. Currently at Level 18, the highest points I got was 150 points and the lowest was 25 points. For multiplier bonus, the highest was 35%. On the bright side, I don’t think I have seen a Try Again to date.


How Does The Multiplier Bonus Work?

If you are lucky enough to get eg. 35% bonus, it will be activated for 24 hours from the time of that win. If you finish a survey which gives you 3000 points (yes, that is $3), you will receive 3000 points and a bonus 1050 points, which is to say completing that survey itself, gives you USD$4.05. This will apply throughout the 24 hours when the multiplier is activated.

Lootup Surveys:

Surveys ranges from 200 points (USD$0.20) to 5000 plus points (USD$5) which is the highest I have seen in my lists so far. Though I also saw other users from other countries completing surveys as high as USD$17+.

Of course not all surveys are so higher paid, because as per all surveys, you need to qualify for them.

My recommendation is to click into the Surveys Just For You as this is where you can find the highest paid surveys. When you have finished the ones 900 points and above here, you can then proceed to the rest, as most of them are 900 points or below.

So the other good thing about LootUp is that there are quite a number of surveys available most of the time. If you are in the US, Europe or Canada, there seem to be even more.

For Singapore, there seem to be less, or perhaps it is my profile that does not fit into what they are looking for but the survey sites that you click into, they will always try to find you a suitable one. And even if there is nothing left for you at that time, check back in a few hours and there will be something else.

Up till now, there is always some survey to do everyday even if you ran out of it the day before.

Offerwalls and Games:

There are also offers and games that you can try out if you really ran out of surveys to do. I tried a few offers that required me to download and register for an app and I did that with the thought that as per many other apps that I have tried before, probably they wouldn’t give me my reward when I finished the steps.

I was wrong because once I completed the requirements, I received the points in my account directly. I did not have to chase anyone for them. 😊

Basically, if you are curious about how high the amount some users can receive, you can check the rank under Contests. I just saw one complete surveys/ offers for USD$399 and it is for 1 offer! XD

Android App – Play Games for points

Also, they have an android app which you can access the surveys easily. With the app, you can also play mobile games and earn points. It is much dreaded that I am using iPhone, and even my old phone is iPhone. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Though I did borrow a really old android phone to play a game and I did get those points, sadly there were only 2 games that I could play. No idea if it is because of my location or that the phone was too old. Maybe you can try it out and let me know. 😉

Daily Giveaways:

They also have 2 types of Giveaways. One of it is the Free Entry Giveaway where all you need to do is to enter and if you win, the points will go into your account.

Though you might forget just like me, this is highly recommended to join as you do not incur any losses. You can join this once daily so I suggest once you collect your Loot Chest, proceed to join the Daily Giveaway.

The other giveaway is the Points Giveaway. This one has been changed and there are a total of 11 different types. The lowest is using 25 points to enter, to try to win 500 points = USD$0.50 (1st prize) and the highest is using 250 points to enter to try to win 200,000 points = USD$200 (Only 1 winner). For some, you will get back a minimum of 40% of your entry cost, but for others, you won’t get anything back if you do not win the 1st and only prize.

Till now, most of the lowest tier (50 points, for old giveaways) that I joined, I only won back 25 points but there was once that I won 150 points, which essentially meant that I won 100 points. The probability of winning isn’t that high so if you don’t want to risk your hard earned points, you might not want to participate in this.


I won the LootUp Free Giveaway yesterday!

This is the first time I have won a free giveaway from LootUp. You will receive an email from Lootup informing you of your win. If not, you will also be able to see it in under Recently Ended Giveaway, the tab beside Active Giveaway.

The points you won will also be automatically added into your account, where you can view it under Credit Activity, simply by clicking on your Points History (your points, top right hand corner).

Contests: (automatically enrolled)

They also have Contests, which are divided into four kinds; the Weekly Contest, Monthly Contest, Surveys Contest and Referral Contest. You don’t have to join them. You are automatically enrolled when you complete surveys and offers, and earn points, because how this work is mainly like a Leadership Board where you are ranked according to the amount you have earned for that week or month.

I actually received an email from them notifying me how much I won for that week, and I didn’t even notice my rank. 😊 Checked my account and it was indeed credited.

Take note that it is the amount of points you have earned and not the number of offers/ surveys completed. Thus, if you are really lucky to have completed an offer that gives you 100k points, you could be rank right up there even though you have only completed this one offer.

A pool of the prize points will be divided among everyone who have earned points. Basically the more points you earn, the higher your rank for that week/ month is and the more points you will win.

(Points accumulated outside of completing offers are excluded from contest. Example: Daily chest, promo codes, profile completion, etc.)

Watch Videos With Hideout TV:

Last but not least, you can also watch videos to earn points. This is a long process and way harder to get points because basically you are being paid to watch ads. That said, your videos must also run till the end where you see points being added before you can move on to the next video. If you skip ads or videos, you will most probably not get points.

This is where I bring in Hideout TV, where I am using it to watch videos. Hideout TV is a site that is linked to This means that once you have signed up for LootUp, you can use the same login details to sign in to Hideout TV without signing up again. They will also automatically link together when you do that.

I will mention how to redeem the points for Hideout TV when I write about it in another review, but it is easy enough since they automatically linked it for you when you login.

Though I should mention that I would suggest that you transfer your Hideout TV points when you get your multiplier bonus so that you get it maximised. 😉

There are also several sites that you can watch videos from on LootUp to earn points but for some sites, they don’t exactly work as well for me. Don’t work as well because I don’t see my points going up when I use those sites. That is why I only stick to Hideout TV.

I think the points you earn differ according to the countries so it may not be high for SG but if you are studying or working, you just have to leave it running while you are working so it’s really passive income.


LootUp Shop and Cashback:

This is the latest addition to the Lootup website and app, where you can earn Cashback by shopping through both the website and app. I have not tried it yet but I did read up on it. Basically, it works similar to Shopback found in Singapore and some other countries.

Go to Shop on the website or app. Fine the brands or deals that you want. Click on the deal and read the description carefully. Then make a purchase to earn the displayed cashback on your transaction.

Shop > Brands/ Deals > Read Description > Purchase > Earn Cashback in your Lootup account

The crediting period of the brand or deal is stated on the top right of the deal itself.
However, Lootup will show the exact date (Credit Release Date) that your points will be released to you on your Points History page, and it is usually earlier than that shown on the deal, provided there is no cancellations etc for the deal.

This is available in most countries but not all countries have the same number of brands/ deals. For Singapore, I only see 19 brands available for now. An example will be Casetify, 6% cashback on all purchases, and the crediting period is 45 days.


Cons Of LootUp:

After talking about all the good, sadly I have to mention the bad.
It might not be vital to you if you did not have any problems using the platform, but I did and I was not impressed by the speed of their support.

I had errors when I clicked into some of the high paying surveys and when I tried clicking into them again, I was told that I had already clicked on them so I can’t attempt the surveys again. However, they are all still there and I keep having to click into them again to see if I could do the surveys.

This is because usually when you attempt a survey and you did not qualify for it, after you refresh the page, that survey will be gone from your list. But for those surveys with errors, they were all still there. So it’s either I ignore all the high paying ones or I have to click in to see my luck, as to whether those are the surveys with errors or new surveys.

This happened for at least 6 of all the high paying ones, namely above 3k points. Weirdly, I did not encounter such a problem with the lower paying options. I then tried to contact their support and did not receive any help until about 2 weeks and the help rendered was not exactly catered to my issue.

However, if you encounter a problem with the crediting of a completed survey and you click on the email (blue icon) under your activities for that problematic survey, you will receive an email from support really fast. Whether their support is actually helpful, I can’t say for sure. Also, I realised that not all the completed offers have that email icon turned blue. If it is grey, you can’t click on it, which is super irritating.

I can only assume that their customer service/ support is perhaps overwhelmed? Their support system is something which I am truly not impressed but you might not require their help in the first place so it is up to you to determine how much it irks you to not want to join. ;P


How To Use/ Redeem LootUp Promo Codes?

Click on the Side Menu (Top Left of browser, 3 lines) > Promo Code > Enter Code > Apply


How To Cash Out/ Withdraw from LootUp?

Now that I have finished introducing all the ways that you can earn points for LootUp, and also the bad, let’s talk about the redemption and cash out of your points.

Other than it being legit, there are several ways you can withdraw your payment. You can cash out with PayPal, Gift Cards (Amazon and Visa Prepaid) and you will also be able to cash out into Cryptocurrency.

10 000 LootUp Points = USD$10


PayPal and Gift Cards:

Minimum amount to withdraw for PayPal is 1000 LootUp Points.

This means that so long you have 1000 points, you can redeem ANY amount that you hold. There is no transfer or withdrawal fees for PayPal.

I have only tried PayPal so far, as I prefer cash and also, I am not an avid user of Amazon. As what I have read so far, the prepaid cards methods are more limited as in the places where you can use to redeem them, as they are credited in USD or CAD. Thus, if you are contemplating where you should do the redemption, I would suggest for you to use PayPal.

Do remember that you need to have a PayPal account already before you try to do the withdrawal.

Click on Redeem at the bottom of your browser to start redemption/ withdrawal.

Once you redeem the points, it will appear in your LootUp account under Pending and once it has been transferred, it will go under your account activities. You will also receive an email from LootUp to inform you that redemption is confirmed and you can get the payment in 1 to 2 business days.

For the three times that I have withdrawn so far, I usually get it the next day. 🙂



You can also withdraw your earnings from LootUp to Cryptocurrency. However, there are a few things to note for this redemption method.

First of all, you can only redeem your LootUp points for Cryptocurrency through BitPay. I am not sure how reliable BitPay is but I did a search and there are some not so good reviews. However, as I am not well versed in the world of crypto, I would leave it to your own discretion.

Cryptocurrency Available To Withdraw To: Bitcoin, Litecoin, Dogecoin, Shiba Inu

Minimum Redemption Amount: 5100 LootUp Points

Do also note that for this redemption method to Cryptocurrency, there is a 1% Transfer Fee.

Therefore, before you redeem, make sure that you have a BitPay account first. Then under Redeem > Crypto, enter the number of points you want to redeem and your email address. The transfer fee will be shown immediately beside the amount you redeem. You can also check the crypto value for each currency on the right side.

Personally I would not use this method because of the 1% transfer fee and also, you have to take into account the reliability of the method. Therefore, unless your purpose of using LootUp is just to earn cryptocurrency, I think there are other better ways to do so.


Proof Of Payment From

And here is the proof on PayPal of my three withdrawals so far. 🤑

The best thing about LootUp is that the minimum to withdraw through PayPal is 1000 points (USD$1) and you can withdraw any amount once you hit that. Also, there are no additional charges.

Looking at my withdrawals, you can have a gauge of how much you can earn. I saw someone completing just one offer for USD$200++ and I think it’s in the US so if you are in the US, I am sure you can get way more than I do within a month.

When you have the cash in your PayPal, you can either keep it in PayPal for payments or alternatively, you can withdraw the money out from PayPal into your bank account or debit card. However, depending on where you are (country), there will be a minimum amount and a fee for withdrawals.


That’s it for my review on

If you are interested to earn some extra income in your free time, then join with my LootUp referral code/ link: to receive USD$5 to get you started.


Have fun earning and stay safe! 💰😷

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