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WordPress Errors and Solutions

Last updated on 27th November 2023, Monday

Hi guys,

I have decided to make a list of errors/ problems and solutions that worked for me on wordpress. Other than assisting you, it will also serve as a reminder for me so that I will not have to search for solutions again if the same errors occur in future.

I will update this list whenever I find something worth sharing.

Hopefully, they can help solve your website problems too. 😀



WordPress – Plugins Errors/ Problems and Solutions:


  • Updraft Errors and Solutions

1)  Just had this issue where my Updraft could not update successfully and some error occurred. Updraft plugin disappeared totally and I tried to reinstall the plugin but couldn’t and had the following error message:

“Installation failed: The destination folder already exists.”


In File Manager/ FTP of your web hosting control panel, locate this folder: wp-content/plugins/updraftplus. Delete the folder and you can reinstall the Updraft plugin.

All my past backups and settings were intact.


2) Due to the failed update mentioned above, my wordpress has a failed update message as shown below, at the top of my admin page and even upon reinstalling Updraft, it does not go away. It appears as it puts your website on maintenance and luckily for me, my site is still accessible even though it is there. For some, your website might be in maintenance mode and you can’t access even your admin page.
I think mine would disappear if there is another update and if I go through with that update, but I am not sure if it will, and the sight of it irritates me so I sought for a solution. 😛

“An automated WordPress update has failed to complete – please attempt the update again now.”

Solution: In File Manager/ FTP of your web hosting control panel, locate this file: “.maintenance” where your website is installed. Mine is under “public_html”Delete the file. Refresh your website admin page and it should be gone.


Future updates for errors and solutions will all be done in this page.


On this note, a gentle reminder to back up your website. Updraft do work well in backing up usually so you can consider it too. Though luckily for me, I have not had the need to use any of my backups yet so I can’t share any experiences on that. (keeping fingers crossed) XD


To be updated…


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