Pokemon Go Research 54 – A Little Warm-Up
I got these researches without knowing how, but I found out that these are given to those players who have not login for a period of time. A Little Warm-Up Part 1: Reward: 1000 XP 1000 XP 1000 XP Rewards: 7000 XP A Little Warm-Up Part 2: 1. Catch…
[Limited Time] Pokemon Go Research 53: Shared Skies 2024
Shared Skies Timed Research Part 1: 1. Hatch 5 Eggs Swablu 2. Explore 5 km 30 Pokeballs 3. Hatch 10 Eggs Sandygast 4. Explore 10 km 20 Razz berry 5. Hatch 15 Eggs Clauncher 6. Catch a Pokémon on 10 different days 3 Golden Razz berry Rewards: Lapras, 2500 Stardust,…
Pokemon Go Research 52 – GO Fest 2024: A Shadowy Caper
GO Fest 2024: A Shadowy Caper (1/6): 1. Spin 3 PokéStops or Gyms 2 Incense 2. Use an Incense Pokeballs x24 3. Catch 10 Pokémon 3 Nanab berries Rewards: 2024 XP, Lure x2, 2024 Stardust GO Fest 2024: A Shadowy Caper (2/6): 1. Complete 3 Field Research tasks Ducklett 2.…
Pokemon Go Research 51 – A Melemele Adventure
A Melemele Adventure (1/4): Rattata 10 Pokeballs Yungoos Rewards: 500XP, 500 Stardust, 10 Pinap Berry A Melemele Adventure (2/4): 1. Take a snapshot of a wild Pokemon 5 Razz Berry 2. Use 7 Berries to help catch Pokemon 10 great balls 3. Catch 10 Pokemon Pikipek Rewards: 500XP, 500 Stardust,…
[Limited Time] Pokemon Go Research 50 – 8th Anniversary Party
8th Anniversary Party Timed Research (1/2): The rewards are all pokemons with party hats and some can be evolved while some can’t. They aren’t exactly new if you have participated on anniversaries in the past. Thus, i have included the images for them so you can see what they look…
[Limited Time] Pokemon Go Research 49 (2024) – Inbound from Ultra Space
Inbound from Ultra Space 2024 Timed Research: Win 2 Raids: Blacephalon Win 3 Raids: Stakataka Win 4 Raids: Guzzlord Win 5 Raids: Nihilego Win 6 Raids: Kartana Win 7 Raids: Celesteela Win 8 Raids: Xurkitree Win 9 Raids: Buzzwole Win 10 Raids: Pheromosa Rewards: 5 Buzzwole Candy, 5 Pheromosa Candy,…
[Limited Time] Pokemon Go Research 48 – Ultra Unlock 2021: Sword and Shield
Limited time research again and I finally managed to finish it. However, I didn’t remember to screengrab all the pokemons that are given, but I did capture most of them. Ultra Unlock 2021: Sword and Shield – Part 1/5 Can catch Pikachu. Ultra Unlock 2021: Sword and Shield –…
Pokemon Go Research 47 – Season Of Legends (Parts 4-5)
Season Of Legends – Part 4/5: Here you get to catch Joltik. Season Of Legends – Part 5/5: Finally, you get to catch Munna. To be continued…
[Limited Time] Pokemon Go Research 46 – Ultra Unlock 2021: Space
This is a limited time research and as per what I just checked, there is only 2 days plus left. I am almost 100% definite that I would not be able to finish it. Not because of the time limit but due to one of the tasks. 😅 Ultra…
[Limited Time] Pokemon Go Research 45 – Ultra Unlock 2021: Time
This is a limited time research and I am not exactly sure if I will be able to finish it in time but since it still has about a week before it ends, I will try. 😂 Ultra Unlock 2021: Time – Part 1/5 Can catch a Drilbur. Then…