11 days to Mayday concert at F1 Singapore 2014!!! XD
Counting down: 12 days to F1 race finals~ 11 Days to seeing Mayday!!! XD
22 days to Mayday concert at F1 Singapore 2014!!! XD
Every year when there is an F1 race coming, there will be huge posters all around reminding us of it but the most unique would be the live countdown timer. The first time I saw it, I was impressed but seeing that every year becomes a norm and a mental…
Do You Ever Shine Japanese Song and Lyrics – Mayday (五月天)
Today I am sharing this Japanese song by a favourite Taiwanese Band of mine. If you are following my blog, you will probably hear more about them in the future because I love them! XD They are called Mayday which doesn’t mean SOS but rather a literal translation from their…